Rochester Community Power
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What is Rochester Community Power?

Rochester Community Power is the City of Rochester’s local community choice aggregation (CCA) program that leverages the collective buying power of city residents and small businesses to secure more favorable terms on their electricity supply contracts, protect consumers, and support renewable generation sources. The program has one component: community choice electricity supply. 

This program was formed in partnership with Joule Community Power, a division of Joule Assets, Inc. 



Since the program launched in September 2021, 35,100 residents and small businesses chose 100% NY renewable electricity at a competitive fixed price.

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Enrollment/Change Form

This form is for residents and small businesses who want to sign-up (opt-in) or leave (opt-out) the CCA program offerings. Those who choose to not participate will receive standard electricity supply from RG&E at the variable market rate.  

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Leverage Buying Power

The City of Rochester has selected a default electricity supply option that is offered at a competitive rates for residents and small businesses.